I have to say that cascade was quite fun and few times people got exactly what they needed (that goddamn terminate I did not even get a hold on!!) This happened to me few times. Me almost winning the game and preparing for the final attack and bam! Terminate.
Anyway I got some really nice cards for an Esper deck and I will probably use them (along with Meddling Mage in my esper deck). But I did not get enough cards for esper deck today and I did not really feel like splashing green. (I would have to add red as well as I had nothing useful in green...and if it was of any use it was RG ... I really did not like the idea of 5 color deck) so I decided to build a dragon deck as I got three dragons - Predator and Broodmate Dragon and Dragon Broodmother.
First match was nice except that I lost because of well 3 removal spells in one turn and ending up facing Hellkite Overlord. And I don't speak about that hammer +2/+2 lifelink, trample. That's just an overkill.
Second match was not fun at all as I got mana screwed pretty badly. I changed the numbers of particular lands after this so it was much better later, still I should have added more mountains.
The tournament went on, me not really having luck and I was in a pretty bad shape as well. But after I got past the really bad headache I actually started winning and won the rest of the games. Maybe my rating won't go down for this tourney^^.
Quite fun was when I really managed to get the brooding dragon in play and was brooding 'little' dragons each turn. Even all those lives my opponent gained weren't enough against my 4/4, 4/4, 7/7, 5/5, 1/1 dragons^_^.
It was nice to play (even though it could have been better in terms of me feeling better and getting some more reasonable 1-5cc cards, heh). It was WAY better than the last preview I played - Planar Chaos.
čím víc nad tím přemýšlím, tím víc mě ALR láká, těším se až s ní budu zase něoc stavět
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