
Friday, December 2, 2011

Emperor Arc? L5R rant...xy

Well, I've been thinking about why I don't really enjoy playing this game that much (compared to Magic). Well, many things come up starting with the rules changes from time to time (which actually means quite often for my liking), inconsistency of certain decks etc.

But there are other elements that ruin the game for me. They are closely linked to the local community

1. Current arc

The current arc is still Celestial. For few more months it will still be the official format. I know that many players are bored of it and seem not to like it. But on the other hand did they even change their decks or build a new one? Not really. Some ended with PotD o_O. I mean come on, the current arc has many more cards.

I spend some time playing Mantis Commanders, then Crab Duelist and lastly Dragon LSC Honor. My Crab Duelist deck is still celestial legal but is outdated and can't handle many decks that can be build now and this is the problem of certain players here. They do not progress. They are frozen in time and are not willing to move on.

Then there are those that claim that the Celestial Arc is too overpowered or boring and whatnot and they want to play EE legal decks. But wait a minute....we don't even have the cards needed for those decks! It started as 2 sets decks! It's not a bad thing to play a EE legal deck but asking others to play it as well and ignoring the fact that it's still CELESTIAL ARC is a problem. I have Celestial decks and I would still want to play but with whom? With players stuck in the past or with those that ignore celestial as much as possible?

When there was a tournament league going on it was the same. Who actually cared about a new set? In Magic this does not happen. (It's like coming with Lorwyn block deck to an Extended tournament...).

2. Mind game

The second major thing is...well mind games. I did not realize that I really need this in a game but after pondering about this for a long time I came to the conclusion that I do. If I want to enjoy a game I need the player interaction - that means that both players count with what other player can play and you just play around it. When I play against someone who ignores all that and just plays the way he think is correct I get lost and I don't enjoy the game at all. Because well, it's not a game. I mean I could just take my deck and play alone.

This is also why I wasn't really sure what a good player in L5R is or if there can a be a good player. If a game can be played on the same 'mind level' as in Magic. I met only three people that played this way outside our community in which I can name two people. The outside local community players are Daniel Nagy and 2 other players that were in top 8 at Prague's Kotei. These players played well and I enjoyed the games. The mind game was present, both of us knew which cards are relevant for the match up and which cards we need to play around. We knew which card combination would screw the game. The anticipation of how it will end was there. Sure if one was would misplay it would ruin the game as well. Anyway those three memorable games are something that I was expecting from L5R.

Everyone is talking about the game as something superior to Magic in terms of game play and being much more consistent. But still I can't hardly enjoy the game when I get to play against someone that can't even understand that THIS match up is a 100% win or loss. The player won't even realize that if by a chance this (something) would happen it would change the outcome of the game....Why the hell play such a game? What makes me angry the most is the fact that the player does not see the way how I could win or lose even though the game has already been decided by turn 3.

This probably concludes my rant. Simply put... I'd love to play but the games have to have a certain level of game play. I'll gladly build a deck that is of equal level to someone else's deck but if the player does not even see what I did and why....that's sad. I just wanted to play a game that I could call a game not T3 win.

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