My calendar was showing two events on 11th October - an EDH Tournament in Hradec Kralove and Machinae Supremacy concert in Prague. The concert got the priority but there was a condition. If I would get enough money for it out of Khans of Tarkir I would go. Otherwise I'd attend the next one that could possibly happen in 3 years time^_~. If I would get at least some money from the tournaments I'd go to Hradec Kralove to play EDH. My last chance to open or win something was at Najada's League Top 8 draft. As expected...I managed to open nothing worth enough money to help me go to the concert. During that week I borrowed some money so I could survive through the week and send out all orders. On Thursday I needed to return the money and still have enough money for another batch of orders. Going to Hradec Kralove started to look unlikely as well.
On Friday my plan was to go to Beroun where I would vote and return to Prague so I could possibly go to Hradec Kralove. That day my mother called me and mentioned that my father is in Prague and could take me to Beroun and that by the way he is about to go to Hradec Kralove the next day. Long story could be told here but let's skip that. The next day we left for Hradec Kralove. I arrived on time and went to register.
During the registration time we played few games with Martin so I had some time to remember what cards were actually in my deck. I managed to screw up few times even though I won those games *facepalm*. Something like that should not be happening to me during the tournament.
EDH Tournament Report
Round 1 - Doran, the Siege Tower - Petr Stefan
In game 1 I kept a hand that was actually good but would become completely useless if a discard hit me. It would also totally die to Aven Mindcensor or Scavenging Ooze
. All of this was quite probable from a Doran, the Siege Tower
player but I did not expect that to happen and well that is what killed me in the end. My opponent played Mother of Runes
on turn 1 followed by Aven Mindcensor and Scavenging Ooze. That was too much for me to handle because my only out was Toxic Deluge
. These creatures were joined by Doran itself which was beating me pretty hard. After several blank draws I lost the game.
In game two my opponent opened with Deathrite Shaman. He was so kind to actually attack with it though so I killed him with my Phyrexian Devourer
+Necrotic Ooze
combo a bit later.
In game three I kept a hand with a fetchland and Wasteland which was not a good idea, those were all the lands I saw during that game. At that time I did not know that Sinkhole
would be the most played card against me that day and there wasn't anything I could do with colorless mana...
Round 2 - Sen Triplets - Miroslav Vana
Round 3 - Rafiq of the Many - Viktor Coufal
When my opponent started with a tapped land followed by another one and playing a mana dork on turn 3 I did not expect much of resistance. My life totals I wrote down during the match were 29, 21 and 8 (the second attack was actually pretty brutal). It was my opponent who lost though. In the second game I reanimated Griselbrand which was pretty much the end of the game.
Round 4 - Kaalia of the Vast - Martin Vlnas
This round is were all the fun began. I lost game one. Kaalia of the Vast -> Rune-Scarred Demon
-> Ravages of War
wasn't any good.
Game two was a catastrophe for both of us. I kept a hand with a fetchland that could not fetch Underground Sea which was a HUGE mistake because I needed to play some cantrips to get to another land. I fetched for Tropical Island
facepalming myself (showing my opponent that I'm completely screwed if he destroys that land...). I peeked at my opponent's hand seeing a hand full of rocks, Orim's Chant
, Hymn to Tourach
and Toxic Deluge
. My hand consisted of two tutor spells, reanimation spell and Entomb
. I couldn't really play those though because I couldn't draw a black source. I managed to draw or tutor Flash
and put Woodfall Primus
into play this way. In order to survive I needed my opponent to be also mana screwed and be drawing blanks. In this case rather color screwed so I destroyed his two sources of red and hoped that Kaalia would never hit the board (not that there would be anything that my opponent could put into play with it). I hoped that the Primus would be enough for me to win. My opponent destroyed my Tropical Island so I couldn't play anything (obviously) when I finally drew a land it was ... wait for it... Boseiju, Who Shelters All
. My opponent drew a card, played a Swamp. I drew another land. It was Wasteland. At least I could destroy another red source if it would ever hit the table (and would be a non-basic LAND). In the meantime I was swinging with Woodfall Primus. When I drew another land I really started wondering how many lands produce colorless mana in my deck. I played the card I drew - Cavern of Souls
- and named Ooze. When I couldn't really come up with other lands producing colorless mana in my deck, to my surprise I drew Flooded Grove
which in this case was yet another colorless source. At that moment I was glad I cut Twilight Mire
and replaced it with Mana Confluence
. My opponent was down to 7 so he played Orim's Chant to earn at least one more turn to draw Swords to Plowshares
. Then I finally drew Cephalid Coliseum
. My opponent killed my only creature with Toxic Deluge because he wouldn't be able to do it a turn later. Then I drew Survival of the Fittest. I discarded Phyrexian Devourer and Triskelion keeping Necrotic Ooze in hand (finally Flooded Grove was a land I appreciated!). No matter what though I still needed a source of black. The next card I drew was a Forest or Island I do not recall but it allowed me to use Cephalid Coliseum and look for something in three cards. The last card was Marsh Flats
so I finally killed my opponent (I was glad that I won at least once) at 30 life this time. I could have tried to tutor a mana producing creature but that would most probably die (I actually used Birds of Paradise
to look for the combo pieces, those poor Birds were removed from the game for quite some time - Mesmeric Fiend
Game 3 was pretty boring - I killed my opponent on turn 3.
These two games went pretty badly. I Thoughtseized my opponent discarding Reanimate
leaving him Sword of Fire and Ice
, Garruk Wildspeaker
, Dust Bowl
and Eternal Witness
. After seeing his hand I was ready to shake his hand but I continued playing. I had a plan but it would most probably be wrecked by Dust Bowl and that is also what happened. Then Fauna Shaman
with SoFaI equipped killed me. I could have destroyed the Sword but then Reanimate, Eternal Witness and Shaman's ability would kill me instead. In the second game we were changing control of Woodfall Primus
for quite some time. In the end it ended up on the wrong side of the table for me and I lost. Losing this match most probably meant no top 8 for me so I wasn't really happy about that. Especially knowing that intentional draws would mean that I would not even get the chance to get into top 8 with 4-2 record. After this we played two more games in which ones I just killed my opponent very easily. It was fun though and I hoped that this player would make it far in the tournament. He lost though a mirror match in the first round of the top8.
Round 6 - Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon - Jiri Ponikelsky
In game two I reanimated or Show and Tell'ed Griselbrand into play. I also had Dryad Arbor
in play (since my opponent had Diabolic Edict
in hand) and that was pretty much it. He wasn't aware that Dryad Arbor is a creature so played the Edict, no matter what I expected Griselbrand to die. Griselbrand was a target of another removal spell later so I drew 14 cards and found a another win condition there. I spent some time explaining how the Ooze combo works - I should prepare some text for that...
After this I signed up for a booster draft because I did not expect to get into top 8. While waiting for the draft to begin we started playing some Legacy. During one of those games few players came rushing in to tell me that I made it to the top 8.
Round 7 - Doran, the Siege Tower - Martin Pelikan
My opponent had to go so I practically got a bye. Good for me.
Round 8 - Horde of Notions - Jakub Havelka
These games were interesting. Kumano's deck is actually a combo deck. I'm not sure if he wins via something else other than Deceiver Exarch/Pestermite
/Zealous Conscripts
and Kiki-Jiki/Splinter Twin
combo or not. In his hand he had Mystical Tutor, Eternal Witness (oh man how she was annoying during the whole tournament) and Stoneforge Mystic. He played Phyrexian Arena
early and was drawing extra cards. I managed to Flash Woodfall Primus into play destroying some lands - usually hitting green and red sources. I was attacking with Primus killing some creatures in the process and dealing some damage as well. At one life my opponent wanted to finish me off -> Mystical Tutor -> Enlightened Tutor -> Splinter Twin on Exarch but I ruined his plans by killing the blue creature. I won't lie, I was lucky.
Game two was quite similar for me, because I had Mystical Tutor and Woodfall Primus in hand. That seemed crucial actually because I needed to destroy some of his lands in order to slow him down. His turn 2 Dark Confidant wasn't anything I'd like to see. Zealous Conscripts, Treachery
, Dark Tutelage
, Eternal Witness and Deceiver Exarch were in his hand. So I destroyed some lands and once again tried attacking with the Primus. Later on I managed to put in play Rune-Scarred Demon with which I tutored Toxic Deluge. My opponent looked for Chord of Calling
the turn later and played it during the attack. He looked for Phantasmal Image
, chose Rune-Scarred Demon to tutor and block the original Demon. I was down to 18 life which wasn't much because he could steal one of my creatures and deal 12 damage but those six life would still be enough for me to win. That is most probably why he tried a different plan (he was down to 6). He played Kiki-Jiki, I killed the goblin so he wouldn't go infinite. On my turn I played my general copying Kiki-Jiki that made a EOT copy of Woodfall Primus destroying another land hoping that this would be enough (because alpha strike wasn't enough). I won.
Finals - Cpt. Sisay - Jan Kousal
This was the deck I wanted to end up playing against as it seemed the easiest one to beat. There were 2 other Mimeoplasm decks in the top 8, Elves, Doran, Cpt. Sisay and 2 Horde of Notions. I certainly did not want to play against any blue deck. Anyway game one seemed pretty bad at the beginning for me. My opponent played Aven Mindcensor and one more creature (Mother of Runes?). I had Toxic Deluge to get rid of those creatures but before I managed to play it Safi showed up wrecking my plan (killing the Mindcensor). Anyway I was forced to play the Deluge. After that I was facing Aven Mindcensor alone. My opponent decided to play Armageddon
then. He wasn't aware that on top of my library I stacked 3 lands and Duress
(with shuffle effect in my hand) - Lim Dul's Vault is awesome^_^. So I played my three lands, shuffled my library and looked for anything that could help me deal with that annoying bird. My opponent had Kor Haven
in play and later managed to play two other lands. I destroyed one somehow. Later on I reanimated Terastodon
destroying Kor Haven because it was most probable that I would need to deal some damage with creatures in order to win. (so my own lands were a necessary target as well) I was facing three creatures, was down to 4 life and my opponent had Swords to Plowshares
in hand. One creature wouldn't really do... Later I drew and played Primeval Titan
. I attacked with it few times, thinning my library so I could draw something better. Later I hardcasted Griselbrand and started swinging with more creatures I had in play (knowing that Griselbrand would gain me 7 life no matter what). I was afraid something would go wrong but it did not and I won this game.
I hoped for the second game to be really short because I was starving. My opponent had 7 mana available on turn 3 so I was forced to look for a removal for his general. I was afraid that something would happen to my combo so I rather killed the general first before trying to kill him. When thinking what could instantly screw me up I only came up with Crop Rotation. I wouldn't be able to do anything with it anyway so I tried...and I won.
After the tournament I was left alone. Everyone just ran away from our 'feature match' and I could finally eat my dinner. I ordered chilli noodles with spinach and chicken steak. I have to say that it was delicious. During my meal the organizer of the tournament came to me and gave me my two prizes. With my belly full I went to watch the ongoing draft matches. Majority of the players were drunk so it was quite fun to watch sometimes, sometimes it was sad to look at. In general we had quite some fun. Seeing players counting to eight or six trying to figure out how many cards in their graveyard they need to remove from the game and how many lands to tap was funny. The rest of the night we played legacy.
I'd like to thank everyone for everything, Dominik for writing report from the last tournament (reason why I participated in the tourney), my parents for their support and the ride, Martin for the ride back and accommodation and the other players for chatting with me, playing etc. Cheers to the organizers and judge for everything. It was awesome experience.
I'd love to write more but I cannot convert my feelings into words right now. This post looks pretty dull to me compared to the good time I spend there.
As I did not really expect myself to actually show at the tournament I did not really make any changes to the deck. There are cards I'd like to try out like Sultai Charm (another draw a card/discard a card effect but it can also deal with this deck's nightmares - Linvala, Scavenging Ooze, Aven Mindcensor...etc) and Dig Through Time (7 cards? that's a lot) for example. These cards are quite expensive for the deck but they are good. Cutting something though is difficult. Recurring Nightmare and Jace, the Mind Sculptor
are the first cards I would take out.
Thanks for reading
The Mimeoplasm
by STsung
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