
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Students collecting money

We have a kind of tradition here that the graduating classes collect money in the morning of their last class (or whatever, it's in May) and if you don't pay (usually even if you do) you are sprayed with water with vinegar or some perfume. I was usually the target of this at our school because older people knew me and they were doing this for fun. It stayed in the boundaries of the school and no one bothered the people in the streets or the rest of the city.

Now, ok I admit that I'm upset the worst way I can be already so seeing these students was more of a nightmare. I continued on my way to school (should have at least put my book in my backpack). They asked for money not allowing me to go. I told them that I don't have anything AS I DON'T EVEN HAVE MONEY TO BUY MYSELF A COFFEE (and I need one as I feel like crap.) And well they start to be naughty and mean. I think ending up all soaked and smelly is already good punishment isn't it? No they have to comment on it and say that I'm a bad person etc. They don't care that I don't even have money for myself.

EDIT: hopefully I did not start reading the Planeswalker novel.

I hate people who don't have a bit of respect for another person. I hate that.
So I'm soaked, wet and crying and I really would go outside and beat them up.


  1. to je mi líto, že jsi musela narazit zrovna na takovou bandu idiotů :-(

    ale nemaji pravdu, ty rozhodně nejsi bad person ;-)

  2. budu z toho mit depresi asi jeste nejakou chvili.

    to me fakt ani ve snu nenapadlo, ze me neco takoveho potka. grr
