
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Second City (Almost) Complete Visual Spoiler

Lately I've been working on our eshop and I spent quite some time adding data to the database. The data inserted contains a lot of information + some additional information about singles (type, rarity, casting cost etc.).

When I finish putting all the singles in the database I'll be able to list them. (or do anything else with the data)
Today I spent some time adding SC singles. And that's why I bring to you the visual spoiler of it as this set is going to be sent by the distributor to the shops on 12th of September. If you haven't gotten through the cards yet and want to see all the images at one place you can check my spoiler out. (I'll do it myself in while)

The cards are sorted by type (Personalities aren't sorted by clan as I don't have that entered (yet)).

Second City Visual Spoiler

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